The House Strikes Back

Our Homeownership Saga

Shelves for the Kitchen Cabinets…Finally

So, you may remember shortly after we got the house that I used some small tables from IKEA as make-shift shelves in my kitchen cabinets (read here Kitchen Modification). Well, I had finally grown tired of that solution. So, I made yet another trek to Home Depot to find some suitable shelves. It took me over an hour to find any laminated or finished boards that would fit the space. Even then, I would still need to do some cutting to get them to fit but, who doesn’t love some quality time with a circular saw. So after a few cuts I went from a mess to some decent looking cabinets.

New shelf installed

Helpful cats helping

It of course took the cats no time at all to find out something had changed and start to investigate. They are always so helpful.

After adding the shelves, which increased my storage area, I was able to move some of the items from the shelves above the microwave into a place less visible. I hate seeing clutter. It could look better but it’s an improvement nonetheless.

As is usually the case when you go through a cabinet, you find some expired food. I found a nice little collection of items, some expired over a year ago. Clearly I should go through my cabinets a little more often. I’ll have to find a new project to work on that requires that I guess.

The before shot of the messy shelves

Shelves with less clutter

The expired food

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